Monday, 6 July 2020

What I'm Reading (July 6th, 2020)

Finished Recently: 

The last book I finished was Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie, just over a week ago. It was very good (as Christie's books usually are!).

Currently Reading:

I've been in a bit of a reading slump the last week or so, and have struggled to find something I can really get into. However, on Saturday I picked up Peril in Paris by Katherine Woodfine which I'm really enjoying so far. Hopefully this will be the right book to get me back into reading!

Set in 1911, Sophie, a young woman working for the newly-formed Secret Service Bureau, is sent to Paris to investigate a mysterious death. Meanwhile, in the (fictional) Central European country of Arnovia, Princess Anna is noticing strange things about her governess, and is beginning to suspect that she may be a spy....

I'm also reading A Million Years in a Day by Greg Jenner, a history of various facets of daily life throughout human history. I'm enjoying this too, but it's the sort of book best read in little bits, rather than all at once.


Coming Up Next:

I'm not sure what I'll read next ... I'll see what I feel like reading when the time comes!


Linking up with It's Monday! What Are You Reading?.

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